The FSA is attempting to ramp up criminal enforcement and it gained a significant scalp last year when Christian Littlewood, a former banker at Dresdner Kleinwort, was given a 40-month jail sentence for insider dealing. 英国金融服务管理局正努力加大刑事执法的力度,并在去年取得了丰硕的战果&德利佳华(DresdnerKleinwort)前银行家克里斯蒂安利特尔伍德(ChristianLittlewood)由于内幕交易被判40个月监禁。
The hearing began last Monday with Mr Du pleading not guilty to 10 counts of insider dealing. 庭审从上周一开始,杜军否认所有10项内幕交易控罪。
It has developed systems for the London Stock Exchange to curb insider dealing by detecting out of the ordinary transactions by investors. 公司已经为伦敦证券交易所开发了一个通过发现投资者的超常规交易,限制内部交易的系统。
A Hong Kong court has handed down the territory's first criminal conviction for insider dealing just months after the market regulator launched a crackdown. 香港市场监管机构发起打击内幕交易行动短短几个月后,一家法院即宣布了香港的首例内幕交易刑事罪成立。
Some may even have thought that the extraordinary returns he generated might reflect successful insider dealing. 有些人甚至可能认为,他创造的非同寻常的回报,或许来自成功的内幕交易。
In a whirl of transactions, the risk of sharp practice, including insider dealing, may well grow. 在这一连串的交易中,产生更多欺诈行为(包括内幕交易)的风险会大大增加。
Under the proposed measure, the nine US stock exchanges that now monitor insider dealing will cede their authority to two bodies, the New York Stock Exchange's regulatory arm and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ( Finra), which oversees broker-dealers. 根据拟议中的方案,目前监控内幕交易的9家美国证交所将把监管权转给两家机构:纽约证交所(NYSE)的监管部门以及负责监管经纪商的美国金融业监管局(Finra)。
The division also provides counsel to the Insider Dealing Tribunal. 此外,该科也为内幕交易审裁处提供律师。
No transaction shall be void or voidable by reason only that it is an insider dealing. 交易不得只因它是内幕交易而属无效或可使无效。
If what is happening in the art market was happening anywhere else it would be called insider dealing. 如果这种现象在别处发生的话,就会被叫做‘内部操作’。
Their work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundering; fraud, and criminal market misconduct such as insider dealing. 他们的注意力集中在3个方面:洗钱,诈骗,还有像知情者交易这种违法的市场行为。
To tackle insider dealing, the FSA is also asking the Japan Securities Dealers 'Association to consider ways to ensure stricter compliance by companies issuing new shares and their underwriters. 为了应对内幕交易,金融厅也要求日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealers'Association)考虑采取一些手段,确保发行新股的企业及其承销商更严格地遵守规定。
Both the UK and Hong Kong have sharply stepped up their criminal prosecution of insider dealing. 英国和香港都大大加强了对内幕交易的刑事起讼力度。
French judicial authorities are launching a criminal investigation into possible insider dealing and the dissemination of false information at EADS, the Franco-German aerospace group. 法国司法机关将对欧洲航空防务与航天公司(EADS)可能存在的内幕交易和散布虚假信息行为展开刑事调查。EADS是法-德两国合资的宇航集团。
Price-sensitive information is defined as information that is prohibited from being used in insider dealing. 股价敏感信息定义为禁止用于内幕交易的信息。
If they did, they would be exposed to insider dealing legislation. 如果这样做,它们将面临违反内幕交易法规的风险。
The Financial Services Authority has discussed with the Treasury immunity from prosecution and plea-bargaining for insider dealing. 英国金融服务局已经与财政部探讨了对内幕交易免于起诉、实行诉辩交易的问题。
Insider dealing The Research of Information Content of the Publication of Institutional Investors and Insiders 'Trading Information in China Stock Market ph.1.(尤指股票的)非法内部交易;内幕交易股票市场机构和内部人交易信息披露的信息含量研究
China this month launched its most serious crackdown on insider trading in years with a public pronouncement from the cabinet that described the situation as "grim" and vowed to rein in rampant market manipulation and insider dealing. 中国本月发起了多年来最严厉的打击内幕交易行动,国务院公开发文声称形势“严峻”,誓言遏制猖獗的市场操纵现象和内幕交易行为。
An insider dealing trial involving a senior Morgan Stanley banker resumes today, promising to shed more light into the workings of major international investment banks on deals in China. 涉及一名摩根士丹利(morganstanley)资深银行家的内幕交易案今日将再次开庭审理,预计这将进一步揭示大型国际投行在中国相关交易上的操作手法。
One banker said that while the move was in the right direction, it did not solve the problem of insider dealing. 一位银行家表示,尽管此举的方向是正确的,但并未解决内幕交易的问题。
There is also a huge amount of speculation in the market and insider dealing when it comes to bank officers granting loans. 同时,市场上存在大量投机行为,在银行工作人员发放贷款方面则存在内幕交易。
Morgan Stanley compliance officers approved the trades of investment banker Du Jun, who is at the centre of Hong Kong's highest profile insider dealing trial, a court in the territory heard yesterday. 香港一家法院昨日庭审得知,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)合规事务主管批准了投资银行家杜军的交易。杜军是香港最受关注的内幕交易案的核心人物。
Apart from arrests targeting specific politicians, signs of broader anti-corruption efforts in financial markets began to emerge in 2013 when the securities regulator targeted bond fund managers for profit-skimming and insider dealing. 除了针对特定政治人物的逮捕以外,在金融市场发起更广泛反腐努力的迹象在2013年就初露端倪,当时证券监管部门处罚了从事串通获利和内幕交易的债券基金经理。
This paper analyzes the constitution of the crime of insider dealing from the subjects and objects of crimes, the subjective and objective elements of crimes, hoping to be. 文章从犯罪主体、犯罪客体、犯罪的主观方面、犯罪的客观方面对内幕交易罪的犯罪构成进行了分析,以期对实践中该罪的认定有所裨益。
The fourth chapter discusses how to establish the mechanism of taking precautions against securities insider dealing. 第四章论述了如何设立证券内幕交易的预防机制。
The fifth chapter discusses the legal responsibility of insider dealing: administrative liability, civil liability and criminal liability. The article proposes suggestion on establishing and perfecting insider dealing civil case system in our country. 第五章论述了内幕交易的法律责任,包括行政责任、民事责任、刑事责任,并就建立和完善我国内幕交易民事诉讼制度提出了一些建议。
Insider dealing essence, subjective scope, and legal responsibilities are expounded. 探析内部人交易的行为本质、主体范围和法律责任。
The second is the confusion between the concept of insider trading and insider dealing. 二是对内部人交易和内幕交易概念的混淆。
In order to constantly improve our insider dealing criminal regulatory system to bring a bit of enlightenment. 以期对我国内幕交易刑法规制的不断完善带来些许启示。